A contest for my readers.
But first, an anecdote:
One night, when I was a lad about 14, my father took me out to the back yard to throw the ol’ ball around after dinner.
There was one serious problem.
Unlike most father/ son/ ol’ ball acts, I’d never really learned how to throw or catch. We’d been at a rummage sale that afternoon and, on a whim, had picked up a glove and ball.
Let’s just say that the ball spent more time rolling along the ground than it did whizzing through the air.
My father is a man of great style – and by that, I mean he knows how to conduct himself, with compassion, in any situation. He knew that his role was to run after the ball, and to keep his mouth shut about my throwing skills.
That sort of patience inspired me, throughout my life, to experiment, creatively, in my studies, my art, my teaching, my travels, and my style. Ultimately, style is not about what you wear, but about your stance in life – style is about trying things, and if you don’t like the way it works out, well, try something else. More importantly, I’m learning that style is about making space for other people to find their voices.

Sepia Style: Irv “Gramps” Wolkenstein

Pops “Alan” Wolkenstein

And now, the contest:
Dig up a photo (or take one, now) of your father (or a father figure) who, in some way, contributed to your style. You define style however you want.
Tweet pics to @StyleForDorks or Email to StyleForDorks (at) gmail (dot) com.
Include, if you like, a few words about what this fellow did for your style.
Winners will be posted at the end of Fathers’ Day.
Happy Fathers’ Day, everyone. (Especially you, Dad!)